Tennessee Truck Accident Lawyer


Your first worry after being struck by a semi-truck in Tennessee is ensuring that everyone receives urgent medical care. Trauma and confusion are typical outcomes of the commotion after an accident.

Tennessee Truck Accident Lawyer

The hours and days after a truck accident may be stressful and challenging, but this is often only the start of a long journey ahead. It would help if you pursued the financial compensation you are entitled to as a truck accident victim in Tennessee once you have as much of your health stabilized as feasible.

Recalling compensation after a truck accident is far more complicated than following a vehicle accident involving a non-commercial driver since commercial truck accidents may include several distinct circumstances and parties.

You may, however, recover every penny you are due from the reckless Tennessee truck driver and trucking corporation if you have the best truck accident litigation firm on your side.


Jeremy D. Earle, JD, and his team of personal injury lawyers have represented numerous victims of truck accidents and are familiar with how these cases develop. We stand up for your rights, and trucking companies have never threatened us.

Call our truck accident law firm right now for further details. For you to fully consider your legal alternatives regarding your car accident, we provide FREE consultations!

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Tennessee Truck Crash Attorney

After a truck accident in Tennessee, most individuals first wonder whether to contact a lawyer. Typically, the response is an emphatic “YES!” By arranging a free first appointment so we can assess your rights, you have nothing to lose.

Don’t trust the lame ego centric personal injury attorney you see on TV. They are not experienced in truck accident lawsuits and likely don’t have a team of semi truck accident lawyers on staff. We only hire an experienced lawyer with the skills to handle car accidents involving commercial vehicles.

To establish the magnitude and breadth of your specific truck accident claim, you must provide answers to additional questions. During your appointment, we could ask you the following questions:

●        Did you sustain any wounds? How grave is the situation?

●        Was a family member killed in the car accident?

●        What level of damage did your car sustain?

●        Do the cops arrive at the site, right? The truck driver was he cited or arrested?

●        Do you owe any medical fees as a result of the mishap?

●        Have your medical expenses not been accepted by your insurance?

●        Do you need to continue receiving medical care for your wounds?

●        Did your injuries need you to miss work and cause you to lose money?

●        Can you start working again?

●        Do your wounds have any long-term effects on you?

●        Will you need money for future medical expenses?

●        Is the insurance company treating your fairly?

By attempting to answer these questions, we can estimate the amount of compensation to which your 18-wheeler truck accident claim may entitle you.


After an 18-wheeler collision, a lawyer may be able to assist you in finding further answers. This could comprise: What triggered the accident specifically? You must respond to this challenging question to demonstrate that you are entitled to full reimbursement for your medical bills, lost wages, and other personal injury losses..

Fortunately, we have the resources and strategies necessary to pinpoint the root cause of an accident and demonstrate another party’s carelessness. Usually this refers to the truck company, though the insurance companies call most if not all of the shots.

Commercial truckers’ employment is challenging because they must follow several rules and restrictions that do not apply to other drivers or vehicles. But anybody in the trucking sector should know that everyone’s safety relies on following the rules and laws that apply to trucks. Truck drivers who break safety regulations put other drivers at risk of crashes and injury.

Below is a review of some irresponsible laws, rules, and regulations that trucking businesses and truck drivers may break. The average car accident may or may not result in serious injuries with lost wages. With trucking accidents, you can all but guarantee catastrophic injuries that will require extensive medical treatment.

Our truck accident lawyers will investigate the potentially responsible parties, including the truck manufacturer, trucking industry regulations, truck company, and of course the truck driver. A good truck accident lawyer knows what to look for because he has seen it and done it before.


Any truck operating in interstate commerce inside the United States is subject to this federal restriction, including Tennessee. All commercial vehicles, including 18-wheelers, semi trucks, buses, tanker trucks, and hazmat (hazardous materials) trucks, among many others, are subject to them. All truck owners and drivers, among others, should follow the following rules. Otherwise, they run the danger of inflicting severe harm.


A driver must pass a medical examination and acquire a certificate of health from a licensed healthcare provider to apply for or renew a CDL. Unhealthy drivers with heart attacks, seizures, or other serious medical problems while driving are likely to be involved in an accident. Additionally, several medical issues might make it unsafe for drivers to operate such massive trucks.


The FMCSA sets weight limits for commercial trucks that are fully loaded. The vehicle’s size, type, and axles determine the maximum. No commercial truck is allowed to exceed 80,000 pounds in weight. An overweight vehicle is difficult for a driver to stop, which increases the risk of jackknife collisions.


Due to intense pressure on drivers to complete deliveries more quickly, fatigued driving has become a severe issue in the trucking business. The amount of time a truck driver may work each day and each week without taking specific breaks is closely regulated by the FMCSA. Accidents involving tired drivers are sometimes caused by hours of service breaches.


Due to intense pressure on drivers to complete deliveries more quickly, fatigued driving has become a severe issue in the trucking business. The amount of time a truck driver may work each day and each week without taking specific breaks is closely regulated by the FMCSA. Accidents involving tired drivers are sometimes caused by hours of service breaches.


In the United States today, distracted driving is on the rise among all motorists. Commercial drivers working long hours are more tempted to use their cell phones or engage in other distracting activities for entertainment.

However, it is against the law for business drivers to use portable devices. They can only make calls that involve pressing a single button or fully hands-free technology. Truck drivers risk colliding with other cars if they turn their heads away from the road for any reason.


Since drunk driving puts truck drivers at risk, the law places significantly higher criteria on truck drivers than other motorists. They must submit to mandatory drug and alcohol testing to avoid accidents and to determine whether drugs or alcohol may have played a role in a collision. The legal limit is half that of ordinary drivers.


A malfunction in a commercial vehicle that is not operating well might result in a driver losing control and crashing. The FMCSA mandates that the trucking firm and truck driver carry out routine inspections.

Before every shift, a driver must thoroughly check a vehicle to find any potential problems. But far too many drivers fail to take this crucial action, which leads to a problem that might have been avoided.

You are entitled to reimbursement for all your damages from the negligent parties if our lawyers can demonstrate that a truck driver or trucking firm caused your accident by breaking any FMCSA requirements.


Nashville Memphis Knoxville Tennessee Truck Accident Law FirmAnyone operating any kind of motor vehicle in Tennessee is required by law to obey all traffic regulations. Therefore, Tennessee’s unique rules must be followed by all commercial drivers that travel through the state.

Although this may appear perplexing, most traffic laws are generally the same from state to state, with the posted speed limits being the main variations. Tennessee’s traffic regulations are no more difficult to follow for truck drivers than in other states.

However, some commercial drivers, like all other drivers, think certain regulations do not apply to them. All other drivers’ safety is at risk when a truck driver disobeys a traffic law. Typical traffic law examples that result in truck accidents include:

  • Speeding
  • Illegal passing (usually on the right or the shoulder)
  • Tailgating
  • Neglecting stop signs or red lights
  • Omitting a signal
  • Reckless driving
  • Negligent driving

More serious legal infractions may cause serious accidents and injuries. Truck drivers may exhibit very risky habits, such as:

  • Traffic rage
  • A drag race
  • Driving under the influence (DUI)
  • Vehicular manslaughter

Any of these infractions will probably result in the truck driver being charged with a crime and causing irreparable harm to accident victims.

When a truck driver is found guilty in a court of breaking a safety rule or the law, this finding may be used as evidence of carelessness in the victims’ following personal injury claim. Our legal team is skilled at analyzing police reports and criminal histories to identify the kinds of evidence you may utilize to defend your rights.

Other Types of Negligence

Negligent transportation businesses and drivers may not always break the law. However, blame for truck accident claims might still be based on these careless actions.

  • Employing drivers with a history of reckless driving;
  • Failing to adequately supervise drivers;
  • Engaging in driving distractions that do not directly contravene the law;
  • Even while driving within the confines of the hours of service restrictions, becoming fatigued.
  • Improper truck maintenance

It is conceivable, however challenging, to prove that the truck driver and trucking firm are responsible for all your accident-related damages due to these kinds of carelessness.


Sometimes a truck driver makes risky choices without an employer knowing it or even assuming anything is amiss. However, even when truck drivers behave negligently on their own, the trucking businesses that employ them may also bear some blame. This is because the legal doctrine of respondeat superior holds employers accountable for the negligence of their workers to the fullest extent possible.

You must determine whether you may hold a corporation strictly accountable for your collision since businesses sometimes have more assets and insurance coverage than individual drivers do. Our lawyers thoroughly look into all potentially responsible parties to ensure you get the greatest compensation for your losses.


Even when responsibility is obvious, trucking businesses and their insurance providers will probably take all reasonable precautions to limit their exposure. Any financial responsibility for mishaps and casualties damages corporate reputations for safety and their business lines.

Because of this, businesses often use threats and intimidation to get accident victims to withdraw or reduce their claims. You need a lawyer who will not be intimidated by them and will keep defending your rights.

Due to their extensive resources, insurance firms and trucking companies frequently threaten to go to court rather than give you the due compensation. The lawyers at Warrior Truck Accident Attorneys are experienced negotiators who can aggressively and skillfully present your case to get a good settlement.

If the corporation declines to make a fair settlement offer, we have the resources and expertise necessary to defend your legal rights in court vigorously.


Our Tennessee personal injury attorneys at Warrior Truck Accident Attorneys have assisted wounded truck crash victims like you. We know that severe injuries might cause you to experience agony and suffering for the rest of your life. We collaborate closely with your medical team to support you after sustaining serious injuries.

We want to know how your injuries will negatively impact the rest of your life and the future. Then, using this information, we work to get you the most money possible to pay for your medical bills, missed earnings, and other costs.

Our skilled truck accident attorneys have successfully defended plaintiffs who sustained severe and fatal injuries, including:

  • Traumatic encephalopathy
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Fractures
  • neck and back pain
  • Disfigurement
  • Burns
  • Harm to internal organs



Tennessee experiences a considerable amount of commercial vehicle traffic due to the arrival of commodities from other nations that are imported as well as the transportation of local goods to and from other areas.

Unfortunately, road accidents increase along with traffic. Tennessee recorded more than 37,000 collisions involving trucks and other commercial vehicles in a recent year. 611 people died due to these events, while more than 1,300 people suffered severe injuries.

Your health should come first if you were hurt in a commercial vehicle-related accident in Tennessee. However, while healing, you worry a lot about how you will pay your medical expenses, hold someone accountable for your injuries, and figure out who was responsible for the accident.

The questions we get the most regarding truck accidents are listed here.


A commercial truck transports goods. The phrase also refers to single-unit box-style vehicles in addition to tractor-trailers, often known as semi-trucks or big rigs.

A tractor-trailer may weigh up to 80,000 pounds when completely loaded, which is 20–30 times more than the typical passenger automobile. Trucks pose several risks because of their size: they make wide turns, they take longer to stop, their height increases the chance of rollovers, and they have sizable blind zones.

Smaller vehicles, motorbikes, bicycles, and adjacent people may escape truck drivers’ attention. Operating a large vehicle requires special training and skill sets.


Human error is the primary factor in crashes involving commercial trucks, as in crashes involving any motor vehicle.

Among the various mistakes that people might make, the ones that lead to truck accidents the most frequently are:

Driver fatigue

Despite regulations governing how long a truck driver may work without a break, they are permitted to operate their vehicles for extended periods. Fatigue is the inevitable effect of this. Additionally, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, nearly one-third of all truck drivers in the United States have sleep apnea.

This respiratory disorder causes a person’s breathing to stop while they sleep briefly. These pauses may occur hundreds of times for a person with this illness throughout a single night’s sleep, causing them to feel exhausted even after obtaining the prescribed eight hours of sleep.

Alcohol or drug impairment

While random drug and alcohol tests are part of the work for truck drivers, let us face it: not everyone plays by the rules. Tragedies may occur when a big, ungainly truck is combined with a drunk driver.


Truck drivers are often pressed for time. This could put them under pressure to act recklessly, like speeding. As we previously indicated, large vehicles need more space to stop safely. Speeding makes the required distance even longer. Speeding also makes it more difficult for the driver to control the car.

Unfamiliarity with Tennessee roadways

Accidents may occur if a truck driver gets lost on a new route or while making a delivery in an unfamiliar neighborhood. The truck driver may swerve or make a rapid turn to prevent missing an exit. This might cause you to take the incorrect exit off the freeway or to go the wrong way down a one-way street. One of the main reasons for head-on crashes is wrong-way driving.

Failure to yield the right-of-way

A broadside accident is quite likely if a truck does not stop at a red light or a stop sign. One of the riskiest sorts of crashes is a broadside collision, especially when there is a significant size disparity between the two vehicles, as when a commercial truck and a passenger car collide.

Inclement weather

Unfavorable weather It takes a lot of skill to drive a truck in adverse weather. Visibility issues may be caused by heavy rain or fog, and wet or slippery roads need longer stopping distances.

However, even if the weather is a factor, drivers may still be held accountable for any harm they cause if they collide with a pedestrian, bike, or vehicle. Auto accidents, along with a typical car accident, are not always serious or impacted by bad weather.


Yes, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has standards for commercial truck drivers. Several of these rules include:

●        Requirements for service hours

●        Alcohol and drug testing

●        Medical examinations to confirm the driver’s fitness, including reviewing their medical records

●        A timetable for the truck’s regular maintenance

●        Regular background checks, including a complete driving history for the driver


If you were wounded in a truck accident caused by the truck driver, you may submit a third-party insurance claim or have your lawyer issue a demand letter.

Insurance adjusters and firms often refuse to pay the desired amount because they dislike paying for injury claims. Instead, your demand letter will kick off talks between your lawyer and insurance company personnel.

If you are not satisfied with the offer made during negotiations, you may proceed with a personal injury case in civil court.

It should be noted that most truck accident claims are settled before trial. Instead, they are resolved sometime between the time a lawsuit is filed and the start of the trial. Some agreements are made even while the trial is ongoing.

The cost of litigating a matter is the cause of this. Insurance companies must choose between granting you a settlement and taking you to court to determine which will cost them less money. They must pay the plaintiff’s whole demand and the trial’s expenses if they lose. They wish to stay away from this.

We take on personal injury cases involving a trucking accident every day. The managing partner of Warrior is an experienced truck accident lawyer. He regularly investigates truck crashes and can visit the accident scene to better understand how truck accidents occur.

Our passion is helping truck accident victims navigate the truck accident claims process, ultimately leading to a truck accident settlement that fairly compensates you for the semi truck accident. Call our experienced truck accident attorney today to get what you deserve. Your money is waiting.


The truck driver’s connection with the business will determine everything. The employer may also be included if the truck driver works for the firm. It might be a little more difficult if the driver works as an independent contractor for the corporation. You may still sue both parties if the accident was caused by a factor that the firm should have been aware of, such as a history of speeding that was evident in the driver’s driving record.

As other possible causes of liability:

●        The person or organization that maintained the commercial motor vehicles.

●        If a faulty item contributed to the accident, the truck’s manufacturer or distributor of automotive components.

●        Other drivers were not directly involved in the collision but may have contributed to it.

To identify all possible sources of blame and the related insurance resources that may be utilized to pay you, your Nashville truck accident attorney will thoroughly investigate the specifics of your truck accident case. Call our truck accident lawyer today for a free consultation.


A blind spot is a portion of the vehicle’s surroundings that the driver cannot see while glancing in their side or rearview mirrors. Commercial trucks have sizable blind zones on each of their four sides, compared to other vehicles.

Other drivers are in danger when the truck passes them, when they pass the truck, when the truck merges, or when the truck makes a wide bend at an intersection. Since drivers must check that a travel lane is free before moving forward, they may still be held accountable if your accident was brought on by the fact that you were in the truck driver’s blind area.


Commercial trucks are large and have high ground clearance. A smaller passenger car sliding under a truck in the event of a collision is referred to as an underride. The passengers of the passenger cars often die in semi-truck accidents with underrides.


We advise you to consult with one of our Tennessee truck accident attorneys before accepting any settlement offer. Insurance companies often make a minimal offer to reach a fast and simple settlement for a truck wreck, regardless of how serious your injuries are. An experienced truck accident lawyer will put them in their place real quick.

Unfortunately, injuries from truck accidents sometimes go much beyond what a simple and fast settlement covers. These injuries can result in long-term disabilities, extensive medical care over many months or even years, the need for follow-up care to address complications, the inability to work or earn the same income as before the accident, as well as a great deal of pain, suffering, and other negative effects on a injured trucking accident victims life.

It takes time to get a fair settlement, and you only have one shot: either you receive the sum required to fully cover your costs, or you will have to cover part of them out of pocket. No matter what issues develop after signing the settlement agreement, you cannot demand further compensation.


Yes! In a personal injury lawsuit, victims may seek one of two categories of damages:

●        Economic damages include real out-of-pocket costs such as lost income, lost earning potential in the future, medical expenditures, property damage, automobile repair costs, and remodeling your house to fit a permanent impairment brought on by an accident.

●        Non-economic damages represent compensation for any non-financial effects the accident has had on your life. These may include restitution for physical hardship, emotional anguish, and diminished quality of life.


The following elements are examined together with non-economic damages:

●        Your age and general health at the accident’s scene

●        Whether your wounds are irreparable

●        How difficult or intensive the medical procedures are for an injury like yours, and if the wounds have left scars or other physical deformities,

●        how much will the injury interfere with your life and capacity to work

●        Your range of motion before and after the accident

Due to the individual nature of each truck accident, there is no standard settlement amount. Each case’s worth is determined by its own unique set of circumstances. You should consult with a lawyer who specializes in truck accidents to help you evaluate your options.


A greater settlement or award may be obtained with legal representation. This settlement sum is often much greater.

Your lawyer will perform the following crucial services for you in addition to estimating the worth of your case and identifying all potential sources of responsibility and insurance resources:

●        Timely submission of legal documents to the appropriate authority.

●        Gathering data that may be utilized to demonstrate responsibility. The discovery phase, during which the parties investigate the event to gather evidence, may be highly time-consuming in truck accident cases.

The trucking firm may need to furnish you with documentation that they are hesitant to do so. This includes logbooks, maintenance logs, black box data, and more.

In addition to knowing which papers to ask for, an experienced truck accident lawyer also understands how soon you need to acquire the evidence before it is lost or intentionally destroyed. This is part of what makes a commercial motor vehicle crash complicated.

●        Capturing the testimony of witnesses during interviews.

●        Aggressively negotiating to get a favorable settlement on your behalf.

●        Supplying well-thought-out advice and details that might aid in your decision-making about your case, such as whether to accept a settlement offer.

●        Defending you in all pre-trial conferences and hearings.

●        Interacting with experts in their domains, such as doctors or accident reconstructionists, who may share their knowledge and expertise. You may use this to demonstrate the other party’s obligation.

●        If your case gets to trial, litigating.

●        Helping you get paid for your settlement or award.

●        Providing additional counsel if the defendant appeals.

Let us discuss your truck accident in Tennessee! Contact our Tennessee truck accident attorneys anytime for a free case review. You may reach us at any time, free of charge. We are here to answer your truck accident questions and we love nothing more than to help injured truck accident victims.


For various reasons, you may wish to select the legal team at Warrior Truck Accident Attorneys to handle your truck accident case.

We are aware of the worry an accident may cause, and we want to take as much of that burden away from you as possible regarding the legal aspects of your rehabilitation.

Our Nashville personal injury law firm is trustworthy and consistently puts out great effort to uphold the rights of our customers.

You never pay us a penny until we successfully get a settlement or award for you, and consultations are always free. Call 629-257-8558 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.

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