How To File a Truck Accident Claim

TN > Nashville > How to File a Truck Accident Claim

truck accident claim, insurance companies, commercial truckIn the United States, reckless and irresponsible truck drivers and businesses often cause traffic accidents. Although big rigs are essential to the nation’s economy, they may seriously endanger the health and safety of other drivers.

Due to this, government agencies (such as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) have enforced guidelines that all trucking firms must adhere to. Any transgression of these guidelines that result in a truck accident may provide victims the right to submit truck accident claims to get maximum compensation.


Although it is unnecessary, having legal representation may increase your chances of recovering damages from a trucking business or other defendant in Tennessee. You can bring a claim against a trucking firm or one of its drivers with the aid of a truck accident attorney in Tennessee.

A lawyer might help you strengthen your case, acquire proof, and take on a truck company without worrying about it taking advantage of you. A lawyer might represent you in insurance payout talks and handle other responsibilities, including submitting your first claim by Tennessee law.

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trucking accident, medical treatment, truck driverGather some information about the occurrence before you contact the police. The person you get will probe you. Giving complete and detailed responses increases the likelihood that the trucking firm will be held accountable for any carelessness or wrongdoing.

●        The trucking company’s name (often found on the cab)

●        Transportation Department identification number

●        Driver’s License number

●        What the vehicle and its driver look like

●        Time, date, and place of the occurrence

Record as much information as possible about the truck, driver, and business. If the truck’s cab does not show the full name of the trucking firm, look it up online. Remember that the firm that owns the goods the trucking company is hauling is the one whose logo or print is on the trailer, not necessarily the trucking company. For the name of the firm, check the truck’s cab.

The person primarily accountable for starting the collision will be the defendant in your truck accident lawsuit. Depending on the specifics of the crash, it may be the truck driver, trucking business, manufacturer of truck parts, cargo company, third-party driver, and the City of Nashville. If some instances, motor vehicle accidents can be caused by multiple parties involved. Whoever caused the trucking accident, we will find the negligent party.

Since the rules of vicarious responsibility make truck firms legally accountable for incidents involving their vehicles and drivers, truck companies are often named as defendants in trucking accidents. The truck company’s legal team will begin collecting evidence the day of the accident.

You or your attorney will collect evidence to demonstrate that the trucking business or other defendant was to blame for the accident. Evidence may include images of the collision, information gathered from logging devices or the vehicle’s black box, eyewitness accounts, video footage, medical records, expert testimony, police reports, and more.

On your side, a lawyer might establish liability and gather evidence against the defendant. Let us help you by explaining your legal options and how we will prove negligence.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration set up a database for consumers to report problems with interstate trucking, interstate bus lines, interstate cargo trucking companies, and other commercial vehicles.

The National Consumer Complaint Database is a place where customers and drivers of vehicles may file concerns about firms. We know how to make truck accident claims work for you to get maximum compensation.

Responding to a few simple questions concerning the occurrence, such as the type of the complaint: truck safety, cargo tank facility, hazardous chemicals, operating authority, or property brokerage, one may submit a complaint online utilizing the database.

When you complain, describe the situation in as much detail as possible. In interstate transportation cases, contacting the federal trucking authorities may be appropriate. If not, contact the local FMCSA field office nearest you to complain.

Call the Safety Violation Hotline at 1-888-DOT-SAFT to lodge a complaint with the FMCSA over the phone. You may speak with someone at this number Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Central Time to voice your concern. If you report to the FMCSA within 60 days of seeing the infraction, the FMCSA may begin an inquiry against the trucking firm.


You forfeit the right to bring a truck accident claim if you miss your statute of limitations date. Truck accident statutes of limitations differ from state to state. A truck accident claim for emotional damages must be filed in Tennessee within one year from the time of the incident.

You have one year after the accident to file if you are merely seeking compensation for property damage. There are a few exceptions to the stringent time restrictions for bringing a civil action. After a vehicle accident, contact a lawyer as soon as possible to learn about your particular statute of limitations.

You or your attorney must complete and submit specific papers to the civil courthouse in the county where the collision happened to file a truck accident claim in Tennessee. For instance, your attorney would submit your claim to the Nashville county court (for cases under $25,000) if you were involved in a truck accident in Nashville. Essential details and information that should be included in your claim include the following:

●       The defendant’s name and address.

●       The location of the accident.

●       A description of the injuries you sustained.

●       The amount of compensation you are requesting.



The defendant has a specific amount of time to react after you file your first complaint against them in the Tennessee civil courts. During this period, the insurance provider for the defendant may look into the claim and accept or reject a truck accident settlement.

Negotiations between you, your attorney, and the trucking firm will lead to the approval of the settlement. The document that starts this process is the injury demand letter.

If talks break down or the insurance provider rejects your first claim, your lawyer may file a truck accident lawsuit against the defendant. A case may need more time and money to settle than an insurance claim, but it may also provide a higher cash reward. Whether mediation or a personal injury lawsuit is in your best interest may be discussed with an attorney.


Our experienced Savannah truck accident lawyers at the Warrior Truck Accident Attorneys have years of experience getting full and fair compensation for accident victims. We meticulously analyze every truck accident to find every person that might be held accountable and develop a compelling claim for the highest possible settlement offer. We are tenacious negotiators and reputable trial lawyers because we have a reputation for taking responsibility for trucking and insurance companies.

Contact the Warrior Truck Accident Attorneys team to arrange a free consultation. We will go over the specifics of your case and go through how to submit a truck accident claim during this first consultation. Initiating work on serious injury claims is free for our personal injury law firm You only have to pay us if and when we succeed in getting you compensation.


After a collision with a commercial truck, wounded individuals often deal with high medical costs, lost wages, significant car damage, and ongoing agony and suffering.

People who have suffered damages due to the carelessness of another person or organization may seek rightful compensation under Tennessee personal injury law.

But submitting a truck accident injury claim is a complex procedure. Our personal injury lawyers will walk your through the injury claims process so you understand it completely. Our specialty is helping those severely injured in an accident involving a commercial vehicle.

Contact our Chatham truck accident lawyers to file a suit to recover compensation and protect your rights. You must never say or concur with anything that places the responsibility on you or minimizes the severity of your injuries and other losses. Such remarks may and will be used against you by the insurance company.

You and any other victims in a significant semi-truck collision should:


Your main priority following a vehicle collision should be emergency treatment. If you need emergency treatment, dial 911 and ask for help, or see a doctor within a day if it’s not urgent. Some significant injuries, like whiplash, often sustained in truck accidents, take time to manifest.

Visiting a doctor will guarantee the correct treatment and provide documentation of your injury(s) and the medical attention you need. Follow all medical advice, including follow-up visits, and keep track of documents and receipts.


A responding law enforcement officer will inquire about the truck driver and you when you dial 911 to call the police. The police officer will include details about the collision in an accident report.

Request a copy of the information as soon as possible by finding out how and when to do so. Our attorneys may try to get a copy of your official police report if you still need one.)


Take pictures of the accident site, your car’s damage, the truck involved, and any corporate names, locations, etc. Obtain photographs of any apparent wounds. Obtain the terms, contact information, phone number, and email address of any onlookers who saw the collision, including any passengers in your car.

Write down what occurred as quickly as possible, and make a graphic to indicate where the passenger vehicles were. Apps for smartphones may be used to assist you in finding this information.


It would help if you informed your insurance provider of the collision. Take action since there are stringent deadlines for alerting the insurance provider. Answer inquiries honestly, but avoid making claims about what occurred or why, and never take responsibility. Don’t consent to have a statement recorded, either.


Soon after your accident, an insurance adjuster will probably contact you. They could inquire about your injuries and the collision. You can also get what seems to be a tempting settlement cheque from an adjuster. Never accept a settlement from a truck accident without first having it looked over by legal counsel. Never pay a cheque or sign anything. You risk losing your claim and forfeiting the right to the total amount of full and fair compensation you are due if you spend a cheque or sign a statement.


It doesn’t take much for an insurance adjuster to reject a claim. They do so to save money, believing most individuals won’t resist them. Though you have rights, a rejection need not be the end of your claim if you weren’t at fault for the truck accident that harmed you.

A knowledgeable Savannah truck accident lawyer can examine the details of your collision and support you in your battle against rejection.


Our devoted truck accident lawyers at Warrior Truck Accident Attorneys will meet with you without charge to inform you of your legal rights and alternatives after a collision. We may examine any settlement offers you may have received.

Without cost or further commitment, we can meet wherever is most convenient for you, including your home, a hospital room, or any other location.

A truck accident personal injury claim is much more difficult to file than a claim for just property damage or a lawsuit involving two passenger cars. It would help if you didn’t take a chance trying to handle this independently because the trucking company will undoubtedly have a team of attorneys.



To discuss a possible truck accident claim, contact the Warrior Truck Accident Attorneys right now. On a contingency-fee basis, we look into truck accidents and seek claims for those who have been hurt. This implies that we wait to be paid for our labor until we have helped our customers get compensated.

Our truck accident law firm concentrates on instances involving wrongful death and severe harm. We only take on a few cases to offer each client the individualized attention they deserve.

If we cannot represent you, we will assist you in exploring your alternatives, including introducing you to other highly skilled Tennessee truck accident lawyers we know and respect.


Large trucks and little vehicles might collide in truck accidents. According to data from the US Ministry of Transportation, 405 light cars and 89 large tractor trailers were killed in truck accidents in Tennessee in 2018. Eighty-seven deadly semi-trailer accidents occurred.

In contrast, there were 327 fatal collisions involving passenger automobiles and 108 motorbikes. These figures demonstrate that semi-truck accidents occur more often than is sensible. Trucks are more likely to be involved in a collision since they travel great distances between states.

Commercial truck accidents often result from:

●        Slippery roads or inadequate road upkeep

●        Negative climate conditions

●        Driving when impaired by drink or drugs (this includes prescription drugs)

●        Speeding

●        Fatigue

●        Driving while distracted

For any of the reasons above, a driver might still be involved in a fatal truck accident even if they have years of expertise behind the wheel. Following a collision, the driver of the truck or any other motor vehicle may get a death or have serious injuries.

These truck accident injuries might vary slightly to severely depending on the collision impact and other conditions. Moving forward, the attorney client relationship applies to all communications.

Typical wounds caused in a trucking collision include:

●        Spinal cord damage

●        Visible Injuries

●        Internal bleeding, internal organ damage, or internal injuries

●        Chest wounds

●        Traumatic encephalopathy (TBI)

●        Fractures or broken bones

●        Whiplash

●        Head trauma

Even if they recover from their severe injuries, accident victims may be unable to resume their pre-accident lifestyle. A person who has a limb amputated serves as an illustration. This is why it’s critical to understand what to do in the aftermath of a truck collision and when to call a knowledgeable truck accident attorney.


As was previously established, many truck accident injuries might result from transportation accidents. While some individuals survive with minor wounds, others aren’t that lucky. Both those who live and the survivors’ families are entitled to demand compensation.

Although the law requires that accident victims get recompense for their losses, compensation claims sometimes run into issues. This occurs when insurance companies are challenging or when the plaintiff lacks sufficient evidence to establish the negligent conduct of the at-fault motorist. Because of this, anyone involved in truck accidents needs to know what to do following a collision.

You are also able to make a claim under your own insurance company in certain circumstances. Without a truck accident lawyer, expect to have insurance representatives demanding several difference things from you.

In Tennessee, you should follow these actions if a truck collision occurs:


Although they are not always to blame, truckers are almost usually at fault for commercial truck accidents. Inadequate maintenance, excessive cargo, and manufacturer defects are other reasons that might result in a commercial truck accident. Understanding who to file a truck accident claim against in each scenario.

The majority of commercial truck drivers are not self-employed. It denotes that they are employed with a freight or trucking business. Due to these complications, a truck accident personal injury case may hold many parties accountable. Therefore, record the vehicle’s license plate number, tag number, business name, if applicable, and other readily apparent information.


You need to find out information on the other cars if numerous vehicles are involved in the accident. Take pictures of the incident, and document the damage to your car and other vehicles. Before eliminating the cars off the road, the image should include several perspectives or detritus. Be aware that in addition to the efforts of professionals in accident reconstruction, picture evidence is another approach to ascertain how the collision occurred.


Most people are unaware of this, yet the road’s condition, traffic flow, and weather are all critical factors in assessing neglect. Pay attention to whether the road is wet and slick and if there is a backlog of traffic. Keep in mind if it was sunny or cloudy outside and whether the truck driver was paying attention while they were driving.


As truck accident lawyers, our experience has shown us that those who cause an accident transfer financial responsibility to their insurance companies. The only time parties at fault for an accident handle compensation claims themselves is when they lack insurance. So, it is preferable to exchange insurance information after a truck incident.

When you do this, you’ll be able to see immediately whether the person who was at fault has insurance. If not, you will need to get their personal information, like their driver’s license number, home and workplace addresses, etc.


Whether you pursue a truck accident case or accept a cash settlement outside of court, you need witness testimony. For example, surviving an 18-wheeler collision might leave you needing clarification. Additionally, you run the risk of gathering less data than you can.

Witnesses may help in this situation. Please take note of their statement and contact details. You will need the latter if you ask them to testify about what they saw when the accident occurred. Make sure you conduct yourself appropriately.


You need these two to prove your injury claim against the at-fault party. An official record describing how the collision happened is a police report. Always contact police.

A medical report details the kind and extent of the injuries, the recommended course of treatment, and the total cost of the medical expenses. You’d also know whether you’ve attained MMI (Maximum Medical Improvement) or still require treatment. 


Record your path to recovery and the things you lost along the way in the diary. It must include your medical appointments, missed income, and discomfort. You may acquire the most compensation possible, aiding your quest for financial recovery.


There is seldom an accident that can’t be avoided, and most crashes result from driver irresponsibility. Follow these suggestions to prevent trucking accidents in Tennessee:

●        Drive cautiously and within the stated or legal speed limit.

●        Check your blind areas carefully and do a pre-trip checkup.

●        Plan your route and utilize a GPS if you’re on a course with unknown roads.

●        Leave enough space between cars, and refrain from tailgating

●        If there is information about bad weather, wait till it passes and be cautious of turns.


Three forms of compensation are available to victims of accidents involving commercial trucks. There are economic, non-economic, and punitive damages for monetary losses. The latter is only granted as a deterrent against egregious carelessness in trucking accident litigation.

Damages both economic and non-economic cover:

●        Expenses for current and future medical care

●        Loss of earnings and diminished earning potential

●        Loss of group support

●        Damage to property

●        Decrease in pleasure

●        Distress and suffering

●        Emotional angst

●        Cost of the victim’s funeral and burial, where they pass away

These compensation categories are funded by:

●        The fault driver

●        Trucking business

●        Vehicle loader

●        Producer of trucks

●        Vehicle mechanic

Depending on who is responsible, the injured party may file a claim against one or more of the parties above. They would use their insurance company to cover the damages. Remember that an insurance adjuster would determine if your compensation claim has validity before settling.

They won’t settle if they believe the compensation claim to be unjustified. Even if a claim is valid, the insurance company might decline to pay the agreed-upon amount. When this occurs, consult an accident lawyer—experts in Tennessee truck accident law, our trucking accident attorneys at Warrior Trucking Accident Attorneys.


The modified comparative negligence standards are used in Tennessee. It implies that some responsibility for an accident is acceptable. Comparative fault is the term for the percentage of responsibility that the parties may bear.

It implies that the victim’s level of responsibility would reduce a victim’s payout amount. For instance, an automobile moving at an average speed makes a poor turn. A speeding semi-truck strikes the smaller car as it turns, totaling it.

The law will determine the extent of each party’s obligation. The passenger vehicle driver would get $75,000 in compensation if they were found to be 25% at fault, and $100,000 was awarded in damages. In such a case, the judge would deduct 25% from the judgment amount.

On the other hand, the defendant owes the injured party nothing if their share of fault is less than 51%. Similarly, neither the truck nor the car driver will be responsible for the other if they are equally at fault, say 50% each. For a more thorough explanation, speak with Warrior Trucking Accident Attorneys. 


Our knowledgeable team of personal injury attorneys at Warrior Trucking Accident Attorneys has years of experience assisting our clients in obtaining justice. We are here to help you and are aware of the financial risks and psychological hardships associated with truck accidents.

We take our responsibility to get a fair settlement for you very seriously. We don’t need an advance payment since we operate on a contingency basis. Call us right now for a free case evaluation.


Certain driving habits have the potential to cause serious collisions. Reporting them to the authorities if you see a trucker engaged in them will help avert a possible catastrophe. Inform us of any of the following:


According to state traffic rules, professional drivers are often prohibited from overtaking on a slope, curve, and to the right.

Because of their enormous size, trucks may make it difficult for other drivers to see them on the road. Illegal passing exacerbates this risk by reducing visibility when drivers need clear sight lines to prevent accidents.

Illegal passing carries the possibility of accidents when a semi-truck runs another vehicle off the road while trying to pass it.


Due to their hectic schedules, commercial drivers often face enormous pressure to pick up and drop off passengers on time.

Many trucks lack the speed controls that prevent them from traveling faster than a set speed. The public is in danger of fatal accidents because hurried truckers often drive too quickly for the traffic, weather, and road conditions.

According to the Federal Highway Administration, truck accidents at more incredible speeds do more damage. They are more likely to result in catastrophic injury or death because of the increased power after a collision.


A swerving truck may indicate a potentially dangerous scenario.

The truck driver might be experiencing a medical emergency, be impaired by drugs or alcohol, be using a mobile phone to cause distraction or be overtired.

Each of these scenarios raises the likelihood that a truck driver will become unable to react adequately to dangers and lose control of their vehicle, leading to potentially deadly accidents.


It’s not uncommon for truck drivers to act superior to the other motorists on the road. They believe that other cars will give way to them even if they do not legally have the right of way.

The reckless actions of these truck drivers put the lives of others in jeopardy. Accidents, particularly t-bone crashes, may be dangerous if one driver fails to yield.


According to the FMCSA, a loaded semi-truck may halt after up to two football fields of travel time at 65 mph. Truckers that tailgate other cars run the risk of a rear-end accident that results in significant property damage and injuries.

When traveling at speeds of 65 mph or more, a truck driver may not have enough time or space to avoid an accident if the automobile in front of them abruptly slows down or stops.

Fatal accidents are more likely to occur in heavy traffic and poor weather.


On an interstate or other multilane highway, sluggish cars are generally not allowed to park in the left lane. For passing, use the left lane.

Truck drivers that insist on using just the left lane to drive obstruct the free flow of traffic, mainly when they cannot maintain their pace when ascending a slope.

It is unsafe to drive in the left lane by default because it pushes cars to overtake trucks on the right, where they have substantial blind areas. A truck driver risks forcing other vehicles off the road and triggering a severe car accident if he returns to the right lane.

Unsafe Driving

Many of the driving habits mentioned above come under the heading of reckless driving. Typically, the term “reckless driving” refers to the moving offense that a trucker may get for intentionally disregarding the safety of other road users.

Whether or not a truck driver’s behavior falls into the categories above, it should still be reported.


Call 911 to report an emergency if a dangerous driver’s actions behind the wheel put you or others in imminent danger. Depending on your location and the situation, how you report a scary trucker in non-emergency cases might change.

Suppose you are concerned about transporting hazardous materials or have seen a professional vehicle driver behaving recklessly on a highway. A complaint to the DMV may be in order.

Trucks must always follow the laws and regulations of the US Department of Transportation since they are professional drivers. Report unsafe driving practices to the FMCSA by calling the Department of Transportation’s Complaint Hotline at 888-368-7238 or 1-888-DOT-SAFT.

You may also submit a complaint online on the National Consumer Complaint Database (NCCDB) website of the FMCSA.

Although state governments impose laws and restrictions on truck drivers and trucking firms, all truckers and companies must abide by federal requirements.

You may report to your state’s regulatory body if you see a dangerous semi-driver on public roadways. In most states, contacting the Department of Public would be beneficial.

The Kentucky State Police may be contacted non-emergency at 1-800-222-5555, according to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC), if you prefer not to report a dangerous driver or unsafe vehicle to law enforcement by dialing 911.


A description of the truck, any identifying information for a trucking company (like a logo or company name), any visible license plate numbers and DOT numbers on the car or trailer, a description of the driver, the location where the safety violation was observed, the date and time of your observation, and any other relevant information should all be included in a report to the authorities about an unsafe truck driver.

An explanation of risky conduct.

Put your safety first when reporting a dangerous semi-truck driver to any authorities. If you wish to attempt to gather information to provide to the police, don’t speed up, tailgate, or participate in any other risky driving behaviors. You can end up creating your crash.

Mainly if you are in a passenger car and the other driver is operating a truck that is considerably higher above the road, it is only sometimes simple to acquire a driver description.

Again, safety comes first, but note any distinctive traits you may find to substantiate your concern.

The name or number of the road, highway, or interstate you were driving on, as well as any cross streets, crossroads, mile markers, or exits that may be used to determine your precise position, can all be included in the location information you supply.

However, they are only recommendations. Keep yourself safe from the reckless driver and any other risks on the road while doing your best to report what you witness.


Suppose a negligent trucking company or a dangerous commercial driver caused your injuries in a semi-truck accident. In that case, you shouldn’t have to bear the financial burden of the resulting physical, mental, and economic damage alone. The trucking industry educates the trucking companies on how to avoid paying a fair settlement.

This includes things like a truck crash site review, hiring qualified accident scene investigators, having their experts performance an accident reconstruction. They have an experienced attorney working for them, so you should have an entire trucking accident team working for you.

Under the law, you are entitled to financial compensation for your harm and losses caused by the negligent truck driver, especially your medical bills.

You can get a sizable financial award to support your efforts to restore your health and reconstruct your life by bringing a lawsuit against the negligent driver, the driver’s employers, and other parties.

However, truck accidents typically include challenging factual and legal considerations. Trust only an experienced truck accident attorney to represent you in all phases of researching, negotiating, and fighting your claim to safeguard your rights and give yourself the most incredible opportunity of obtaining the money you deserve.

For more than ten years, Nashville-based attorney Jeremy D. Earle, JD, has fought for the rights of injured accident victims, especially in situations involving dangerous semi-truck drivers and catastrophic mishaps. Tens of millions of dollars in settlement money and jury wins for his clients have resulted from his skill in negotiating, settling, and litigation of personal injury cases.

For a free consultation and case review to discuss your truck accident, your injuries, and the best course of action moving ahead, contact Warrior Truck Accident Attorneys now online or at 629-257-8558. Schedule a free legal consultation now!

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